Glaucoma is an eye disease that damages the optic nerve, leading to progressive loss of eyesight. It is often, but not always, associated with increased pressure of the fluid, called aqueous humor, inside the eye. Glaucoma is called the “silent thief of eyesight” because it is in most cases develops in early stages without noticeable symptoms. Untreated glaucoma leads to permanent damage of the optic nerve which then progresses to blindness. Glaucoma, after cataracts, is the second leading cause of blindness worldwide.
Glaucoma can be divided roughly into two main categories, “open-angle” and “angle-closure” glaucoma.
Angle-closure glaucoma develops rapidly as a result of quickly rising pressure inside the eye. Iris, when dilating, is pushed forward and to the outer edges creating a closed-angle with the cornea and blocking the passage of fluid (aqueous humor) from the anterior chamber to trabecular meshwork, which drains the fluid to the outside. Since the gland keeps producing fluid it builds pressure inside the eye. Elevated pressure damages nerve cells in the optic nerve leading to vision loss.
In the case of Open-angle glaucoma drainage channels are not compressed by iris and should work properly, but they are clogged, like blood vessels clogged by cholesterol. But, similar to blood vessels blockage causing heart diseases, this happens slowly over time and causes an unperceivable loss of eyesight.
Glaucoma Symptoms
Besides gradually decreasing eyesight there are usually no symptoms for Open-angle glaucoma. Due to the rapid increase in inner eye pressure in the case of Angle-closure glaucoma some of the following symptoms may occur:
- Pain and redness in the eye
- Blurred and reduced vision, halos around bright lights
- Headache and vomiting
- Pupils half-dilated and unresponsive to light
- Cloudy cornea
If you experience these symptoms let an eye care professional check your eye as soon as possible. It might not be glaucoma, but if it is – early prevention is a key to stop disease progression.
Risk Factors
- High Intraocular (Eye) Pressure
- Age 50 or older
- Family history of glaucoma
- African Americans
- Suspicious optic nerve appearance (cupping > 50% or asymmetry)
- Thin cornea
- High Myopia (nearsightedness)
- Diabetes
- Hypertension
- Eye Injury or Surgery
- History of steroid use
- Migraine, headaches
- Sleep apnea
Treatment Options
Although there are many options including laser surgery, eye drops, other surgical procedures, etc, we are not discussing them here because they are not natural. An ophthalmologist can explain to you all these options if you choose to do so. If you have severe pain or rapid vision loss – it is the best option to go to the doctor because by the time methods listed below start to kick in you might have already a very damaged eye.
Ether you decide to put your health into the doctor’s hands or not, if you have glaucoma that progresses slowly, the methods below will stop the deterioration of eyesight, clear drainage channels, reduce intraocular pressure, and return beauty and clear vision back to your eyes. These methods will help, by how much – all depends on you. It is going to take time, so if you are lazy and/or don’t want to sacrifice your time or your lifestyle – these methods are not for you, go to the doctor. It usually takes years of bad habits and poor nutrition to destroy your eyesight, prepare for hard work to stop the damaging process.
The glaucoma treatment itself is not exhaustive and brings a pleasurable experience to the person that has decided to treat glaucoma. I understand that it sounds surprising, but this is the path that I walked through when I started research on natural glaucoma treatment options.
- I thought that if glaucoma is caused by elevated pressure in the eye the first aid to the eye would be to reduce the amount of pressure. Watch the video with Relaxation Eye Exercises to learn at least half of them. They are all easy to learn, quick and fun to do.
- The biggest help for the eyes with glaucoma eye problem is water procedures. Learn about contrast eye bathing, eye icing, eye rejuvenating procedures and incorporate these easy tasks into your glaucoma treatment plan. Here is one of the yoga methods to fight intraocular pressure. Each morning or more frequently go to the bath, open the cold water in the sink, fill your mouth with cold water and, while you hold water inside, splash your eyes with running cold water. This stimulates blood flow in the eyes and relieves the pressure.
- Last, but not least is nutritional advice.
Most people, especially with low-tension glaucoma, have also other vascular problems. They are usually due to poor eating habits, lack of vitamins and minerals. Read carefully about herbal medicine, particularly about schizandra and bilberry. Vitamin C, taken in dosages up to bowel tolerance, is reported to reduce pressure within the eye and restore collagen balance. Vitamin C supplements with bioflavonoids, especially rutin and lutein, are particularly recommended.
Add schizandra into your tea.
Drink plenty of green tea of good quality.
Make green or white tea out of loose tea leaves.
Incorporate Raw Food into your life as much as possible (the recipes are here)
I just want to mention that just the month of following this advice made the woman that decided to test my methods on herself run to me with open arms and tears in her eyes. She said that this is the first time when something is really helping, not counting many other emails I keep receiving.